Key Information

Sessions & Fees
Monday - Friday
Term Time​
Morning session 9am - 12.15pm - £17.88
Lunchtime session 12.15pm - 1.15pm - £5.50
Afternoon session 12.15pm - 3.15pm - £16.50

Parent Partnership
You are your child's primary educator and know your child better than anybody else. Research has shown that strong parent- carer partnerships have a lasting impact on children, which benefits all areas of life.
It is therefore very important that we have a good form of communication to enable us to provide your child with the best possible care.
We will always make time to discuss any concerns or issues you may have regarding your child and welcome any thoughts, suggestions or comments.

Safeguarding & Information for Visitors
Your child's safety and wellbeing is paramount, we endeavour to keep our preschool hazard free by regularly carrying out risk assessments and using safety equipment where possible.
We have a duty of care to all children and follow Safeguarding guidelines. All our members of staff are fully DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) and follow a rigorous recruitment procedure.
We have in place detailed Safeguarding Children and Health and Safety policies, in accordance with the welfare requirements of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). Printed copies of our policies are available at the entrance.