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About Us

Smart Start Wistow Community Preschool was established in 1989.

We are accredited by Ofsted and are a member of the Preschool Learning Alliance. Smart Start is run by a voluntary committee of parents, who have appointed a qualified Leader, a Deputy Leader and Preschool Assistants.

In Preschool your child will have the chance to make friends with other children their own age and to relate to other adults. They learn to share, take turns and gain independence and confidence. It is a time for your child to try out different, stimulating activities. Children need to play. Play is their work, their form of self expression. Each child is an individual and we readily accept that all children do not develop and learn at the same rate. 

In our latest Ofsted inspection we were judged as 'Outstanding'. 

“Children are highly engaged, well motivated and willing and eager to join in. They are consistently busy, well occupied and active, which means they behave exceptionally well”

“Children show extremely high levels of confidence and self – esteem”

“The environment is stimulating, extremely well resourced and very welcoming”

“Children’s well-being, enjoyment and learning is at the very centre of this outstanding pre-school” 

(Taken from our Ofsted report, Feb 2014)

Children may attend Smart Start from the age of two, providing a space is available. Government Funding is available for all children from the term after their third birthday and funding may also be available for 2 year olds (dependent on individual circumstances).

We operate a ‘Key Person’ system which ensures that each child is allocated a specific member of staff to ensure their needs are met. You and your child will be introduced to your key person when you attend your first session.

Our Opening Hours are:

Monday - Friday Term Time Only

AM Session: 9.15am - 12.15pm

Lunch Club: 12.15pm - 1.15pm

PM Session: 12.15pm - 3.15pm
(Please note that an afternoon session must include lunch)

£13 per session £4 lunch club 

Full day rate is £26

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